

Sunday, April 26, 2009

final blog entry

The author talks about how a wild tongue cannot be tamed but can only be cut. With this, she’s trying to explain that a person’s identity cannot be changed but can only be erased. This is why no matter how she tried to change her English speaking ways, in the end she’s the same because she is who she is. Comparing this with the blog entry writing process, I realized that it could be related to her ideas. Every blog entry I have written, the ideas I expressed in them are very “me.” With that I mean the way I think, the way I talk, my choice of words reflects my identity which could be my culture, native language, or the environment I grew up in. Since I am in America now, it cannot change the way I will feel, think, or believe because that is who I am. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Literacy and Technology

I think that technology can’t exist without literacy. Literacy creates new technology. For example; how the computer became to be a computer. It started off as a code of 0s and 1s. And then literacy in mathematics, etc. created advance computer programming that leads to today’s computer. And after literacy create new technology, that new technology creates a new literacy. And then the literacy of that new technology can lead to creating another new technology. It is like an endless cycle of creation of literacy and technology.

While I think that new technology creates new literacy, I also think that at the same time it has a bad influence with old kinds of literacy. For example; since most of the time we type and print from a computer now, many Chinese language speakers are forgetting how to write Chinese characters by hand which is becoming a big issue, especially in Japan where they also use Chinese characters in their language.