

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A day in my Life

Trace back to my third grade of senior high school year, I have a bunch of close friends. We are not just friends but a family. A girl named Yan is one of my best friends. However, we have similar characteristics which are stubborn and pride. We always got annoyed when our opinions are different, so we fought so often and our pride would not let us to apologize first. I still remember it was a regular school day; we went to school as usual. I do not really remember what small thing we have made us fight again. Because of the different perspectives of our opinions, we did not talk to each other during the entire morning. We sat next to each other during that semester, so it was kind of awkward that we did not talk. In the class before noon, it was a Chinese class, I decided to talk to her. “We have to communicate!” at least that was what I thought about. I passed a piece of note with “we should talk” on it. However, she threw the paper on the floor. “What the heck! I talk to you first and you still give me attitude?!” I yelled in my mind. After that, I showed my anger by put or dropped thing really hard. We were still in class time so I could not really do much. When the class off, we both sat still and remain in silence. I was really upset. Unexpectly, she turned to me and said “let’s communicate.” We stared at each other, but our pride stopped us from apologizing first. All of a sudden, we both cried. Other of our friends were shocked that we were crying, and they wondered what was going on then. Yan and I tried to communicate while we just murmured “why did you do this to me.” Then, we embraced each other so hard with tears. After class all of my best friends went out to dinner together like a happy family. We spent the rest of the day hanging out and chatting. Before I went to bed that day, I realized how important communication was between people.

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